
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Madelein Pyk

This is my first blog post. I want to use this medium to explain what goes on in my head when I paint. I'm doing this for you the viewer--so that you have glimpses of what is going on in one artist's mind as she works and also that you will see the process that goes into a particular painting.

But I am also doing this for myself. Often when I paint, if you asked me why I did something, like why I used a particular color,  I probably wouldn't be able to tell you. It is an internal process--not something I have a lot of awareness of. So I am hoping the act of blogging, or writing down my thoughts will ultimately help me vocalize more, as well as understand better, that very personal journey that I myself take with each piece of art I produce.

The painting that I have started working on is of Madelein Pyk--a well-known Swedish artist. The photo that I am using as my reference was taken by my friend, Henry Greene--a photographer whose work I admire greatly. He and his wife met Madelein in Stockholm at a museum and they all ended up spending the day together.

I was drawn to this photo because of the vulnerability I see and also the determined spirit of the  woman.  To me, she looks like she was not about to back down on anything life gave her--even with the limitations of age.  That is what I feel when I see the above photo.  My challenge will be to capture those qualities in a painting.

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